Meet our New Head Chef at The Devonshire Fell

Meet George Marsh, our new head chef joining the kitchen team at The Devonshire Fell at Burnsall. Having worked around the globe in restaurants as well as at Swinton Park which is a little closer to home, we're excited to welcome him to our team to create innovative and flavoursome dishes for our guests. Keep reading to get to know him a little better...
When did you become interested in food and cooking?
I was interested in cooking from a young age, I used to love watching Gary Rhodes on the television, he was like a rock star in my eyes! My mum still has a tea towel that was made by my primary school. All the children in year 1 had to draw a picture of themselves and write underneath what it was they wanted to be when they were older. Mine said Chef!
Where did you learn your craft?
I trained at Northampton College where I completed my level one and two in food preparation and my level two in food and beverage service. I then went on to do my level three as an apprenticeship.
Where have you worked?
I’ve worked all around the globe. My first time working abroad was in Singapore for a chef called Mark Sergeant. I was sent out there for a month and ended up staying there for a year! I’ve also worked in Australia. In the UK I've worked at The Bridge Arms in Canterbury as Sous Chef where we were awarded a Michelin star after 8 months of opening. I've also worked for Jason Atherton in London as well as some beautiful country house hotels like Swinton Park in Masham.
What do you love about being a head chef?
I love training and teaching the next generation of chefs, it's very rewarding to see someone gain new skills because you’ve managed to pass on some knowledge that has been handed down to you by your previous senior chefs. It's also great to see your own ideas on the plate and to then receive compliments from the customers, that’s what it’s all about!

How many staff work in the kitchen and is it a challenge to co-ordinate them all?
We have a small team, currently just five of us, and we're hoping to have an apprentice start in the summer.
What are the challenges?
It’s always a challenge to keep the food relevant and on-trend but also consistent with what our customers want.
Do you specialise in anything?
I don’t specialise in anything particularly, I think I’m strongest at preparing and cooking fish, I’d say I’m pretty good at cooking on a barbecue as well
How would you describe the food you are cooking at the Devonshire Fell?
We cook traditional English food here for the most part and a lot of classical French techniques. We try and keep it local and always seasonal as well. You can see the field the lamb is raised in from the restaurant!

How do you feel when diners send their compliments to the chef?
It’s a great feeling. We're here to make the guest's experience as good as we can so receiving compliments means we're doing something right.
Have any celebrity chefs inspired you and how?
No chefs in particular but I’m inspired by a movement called The Burnt Chef Project. They look out for people within the industry with mental health issues. It’s a pretty exhausting job - both physically and mentally so it’s great to see chefs getting the support they need.
What are your favourite cookery programmes?
I love watching re-runs of Rick Stein or even Keith Floyd. Gordon Ramsey’s passion for flavour is also a great watch.
What are your ambitions?
I hope to work abroad again one day, but I ultimately hope to move from Head Chef to an Executive Chef job in a group similar to ours.
What is your favourite meal and in an ideal world who would cook it?
I love a Full English breakfast, you can’t beat it. Scrambled egg, no beans and a fried slice! I'd love to have it cooked by one of the great chefs of our industry, maybe Marco Pierre White or Pierre Koffman.
Sample George's new menus for yourself by booking a table at The Fell: Wine and Dine, The Devonshire Fell